Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Many of you know that I enjoy reading in my spare time. One of the things that I have discovered about myself is that in order to finish a book I have to be able to relate to what I am reading on some level or another. Recently I was given the privilege of previewing Perry Noble's first book entitled, "Unleash!".  Before I get into any details of the book I want to say that if I have ever read a book that I believe is universally applicable, relevant, and relatable it would be "Unleash!". 

Throughout this book Perry challenges readers to pursue a life of fulfilled purpose. 

Here is a quote from Unleash!:

“It’s completely possible to live with purpose rather than stumbling through our days trying to figure it out.” #unleashbook

I personally believe that the subject of purpose is one of the most awakening subjects taught in the church today. In saying that, I would also note that the direction that Perry takes this book is absolutely amazing! The whole time I was reading it I felt like I was watching a movie unfold! 

One of the many things that I loved about this book was the transparency that Pastor Perry had in writing it. The personal stories that are shared in this book are eye-opening and convicting in the same time. 

Perry opens the book by describing what it looks like to live a life that is unleashed. From there on he uses the story of David defeating the Giant named Goliath to show readers through scripture how God uses people to live an unleashed life. 

It doesn't matter where you are in this journey called life, I believe we all could benefit from the words God has given Pastor P for this book. 

So if you're ready to break free from normalcy you can pick up a copy here: unleashbook.com

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